Staying healthy while travelling ensures you make the most of your trip. If sterile first aid supplies may be hard to come by at your destination, a medical kit is a vital addition to your travel bag. We have medical kits of all sizes, for all types of travel. One of the easiest ways to catch diseases when travelling is from mosquito bites, we’ve got all the bite avoidance and insect repellent products a traveller could need! Using Deet along with a Mosquito net, while you sleep, will really help keep the biters at bay. Hygiene and sanitation are vital to avoid illness, we have a range of toiletries and water purification products, tried & tested by travellers. And don’t forget! – Even in cold climates, and particularly at altitude, you always need to use Sun protection.

For more comprehensive medical kits and antimalarials, visit the Nomad Pharmacy