Although we don’t like to imagine it happening on our holidays or adventures abroad, it is really important to be prepared when it comes to protecting your valuables when travelling. Whether it’s your bank cards, your passport, cash or travellers cheques, losing these sorts of items when you’re the other side of the world causes a lot of hassle and wastes time you want to be spent making the most of your trip.

Here at Nomad, we’ve spent more than 25 years kitting out travellers. We find the most simple and effective way to hide your valuables when travelling is to use a money belt. They may not look very stylish, but they wont be seen (that’s the point!) and are really worth investing in, especially when travelling to parts of the world where pick pocketing is rife.

Why Choose a Money Belt?

  • They’re a simple safe way to keep your money, bank cards & passport hidden from the view of thieves. Moneybelts are worn underneath your clothes so thieves aren’t aware you’re even wearing them.
  • They’re comfortable. Good quality money belts for travelling are lightweight and made with breathable material so you will easily forget you’re wearing them all day long.
  • They’re affordable, from £6.99 you may be saving yourself hundreds by keeping your valuables safe.

How Should I Use a Money Belt?

It is important to point out that although you can stash cash in your money belt, it shouldn’t be used as a purse or wallet, rather somewhere to store larger notes and a spare bank card whilst you keep your change or cash for the day in your pocket. If you are seen frequently dipping in and out of your money belt it defeats the point as you may attract unwanted attention and look like you have something worth stealing. The idea is to keep your valuable items such as passport and extra cash here so in the worst case scenario, if your pockets or bag are stolen from, you have a back up of cash and your important documents. If you need to access anything from your money belt make sure you go somewhere out of public sight such as a bathroom or wait until you are back at your accommodation.

Which Money Belt Should I Choose?

There are a few styles you can choose from when buying your money belt. The traditional money belt is worn wrapped around your waist, under your clothing. The moneybelt won’t be visible as it’s all under you clothing.

Or you may wish to go for a pouch which hangs around your neck under your clothes. These are easy to wear and really comfortable.

We even make a money belt which is worn just like a normal belt through the loops in your trousers, with a secret hidden zipped compartment in the lining.

In making your decision, the main factor to consider is the money belts size – will it have enough space for your tickets/passport if that is what you wish to store or is it suitable only for change and notes. Think about what it is that you will want to protect when travelling, and let that help you choose. Other than that it’s down to a preference of style and finding one you find comfortable that will work with your day to day clothing.

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