One of the many rumours about covid-19 we see being talked about is the use of antimalarials to treat Covid-19 Coronavirus. Here we discuss whether this is true and why so much discussion is happening around anti-malarial medications, namely Chloroquine. 

What is Chloroquine 

Chloroquine is a medication which has been primarily used in the past to treat malaria parasites. However as the years passed resistance to this medication has developed and so nowadays it is rarely used for this purpose. The drug is also occasionally suggested as an antiviral medication.

Chloroquine to Treat Coronavirus 

Medical researchers around the world are rushing to find effective treatments to slow the Covid-19 Coronavirus as it spreads globally. As it is thought to have an antiviral effect, Chloroquine is one of several medications being hurriedly trialled for the treatment of Covid-19. Some early reports from China have shown encouraging results. While efforts are being made to fast track more trials, it is important to understand that trials so far have been small in number and also in sample sizes. No concrete evidence has yet been published that can confirm the efficacy of the drug and the UK government has not approved chloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19 Coronavirus.

Can I take Chloroquine to treat covid-9 coronavirus symptoms? 

No – Chloroquine is not currently approved for the treatment of coronavirus Covid-19 and is dangerous to take without prescription by a medical doctor. A number of individuals have died in recent days due to self-administration. Chloroquine is very dangerous to take in incorrect amounts. Do not attempt to purchase or take Chloroquine for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19 Coronavirus symptoms.


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