Posts Categorized: Travel Health

As of February 2022, fully vaccinated passengers entering the UK are no longer required to completed Day 2 testing. Fully vaccinated passengers must complete a Passenger Locator Form before departing Uptake of the free COVID vaccinations have been great in the UK, and getting vaccinated affords us some slightly more relaxed rules when it comes…

Updated 14th February 2022 to reflect the latest COVID testing requirements for travellers In attempt to respond to variants, infections and hospitalisations due to COVID-19, requirements for passengers arriving in the UK are subject to constant change. It’s important to check the latest guidance as they may have since changed, but here we will discuss…

What is a Fit-To-Fly Test? The Fit-To-Fly test is completed in advance of travel to determine your eligibility to travel or to enter a country based on your COVID-19 infection status. The Fit-To-Fly COVID test is required by many destinations and airlines to ensure passengers are fit to travel without spreading the virus. If your Fit-To-Fly…

Vaccine uptake in the UK has been brilliant! Many of us have chosen to accept the free vaccination to help reduce serious illness and hospitalisations. With such a long time spent close to home, many of us are looking forward to travelling again. Here we’ll talk about what being fully vaccinated means international travel and…

As of October 2021, the Traffic Light System has been replaced. Only the Red List remains and has been drastically altered. Check the latest travel regulations as this blog may no longer be applicable The Government has started listing international travel destinations as either Green, Amber or Red to more easily categorise destinations and their…

As of October 2021, the Traffic Light System has been replaced. Only the Red List remains and has been drastically altered. Check the latest travel regulations as this blog may no longer be applicable As travel restrictions in the UK and internationally start to lift, the Government has begun listing travel destinations as either Green,…