Posts Categorized: Travel Health

What is Coronavirus?  On 31 December 2019, public health authorities were alerted to several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. This was confirmed to be the novel coronavirus. Novel coronavirus is a respiratory illness from the same family of viruses as SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The Wuhan coronavirus is a…

Social media remains rife with untrustworthy ‘facts’ from misinformed sources about the covid-19 and how to protect yourself. So that you don’t follow bad advice, Nomads expert Doctors have put together a blog of responses to some of the myths we’ve seen floating around about Covid-19. Let’s get the facts straight and get some expert…

Night time biting mosquitoes, like the Anopheles, can spread all kinds of diseases. Some of these diseases, such as Malaria and Japanese Encephalitis, can be severe and life-threatening.  Official guidance states that insect repellents should be applied every few hours, especially in hot countries where you can sweat and rub substances off the skin quickly. So how do you get a good 8 hours…

It’s one of the most commonly prescribed antimalarials, but have you got questions & concerns about Malarone or Atovaquone & Proguanil? I’m one of Nomads expert Travel Nurses and recommend malaria medications every day. Read on to find out everything you need to know about his widely used malaria tablet. What is Malarone/Atovaquone & Proguanil?  Malarone belongs…

Wherever you travel, you’ll undoubtedly be enticed by the delicious smells, tastes and sights of street food. Whether exploring the Pasar Malam’s of Malaysia or the Stands de Comidas in Chile, eating al fresco when travelling is a great way to get a taste (pun intended) of the local culture.  Unfortunately, many travellers come down with the infamous ‘Delhi belly’ due to unsavoury…

Most travel destinations will have their share of mosquitoes & biting insects. Not only can bites get itchy & infected, but the mosquitoes can carry diseases that enter your body when bitten. Even if you’re taking malaria tablets, or if malaria is not present at your destination, avoiding bites is essential for protecting yourself against…

Getting sick or injured is very common when travelling. Going through any health issues solo can be particularly hard with noone to help or comfort you. We’ve put together some tips for solo travellers to help you reduce the risks of illness & injury. Read on to get ready for your solo adventure! Know the…

It’s not just those heading off on jungle treks or scientific expeditions that need to prepare a first aid kit before travel. Backpackers should also be prepared with first aid for the most common ailments. You’ll be able to safely treat injuries and illnesses without the hassle and expense of finding a medical centre. The…

What is malaria? Malaria is a serious and potentially deadly disease found in many tropical countries. It is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Malaria carrying mosquitoes most often bite in the evening and overnight. The malaria parasite replicates once in the body so you can get very unwell from just one bite….

What is Malaria? Malaria is a disease cause by a parasite passed on to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. There are 5 different types of parasite that can cause disease but the type that causes the most severe forms of the disease is caused P. falciparum and is the most common type…