Posts Categorized: Travel Health

Do you need a Covid test to fly to Canary Islands/Tenerife? Home to year-round sun, beautiful beaches and great food, it’s easy to see why the Canary Islands, and Tenerife in particular, is one of the UK’s top holiday destinations. As the UK and many other countries face the third wave of COVID-19, many countries…

What Types of Covid-19 Tests are Available and how do they Compare? Updated: July 2023 There are a number of different COVID-19 testing options available. Choosing the right test depends on your testing requirements. Here we will provide some clarification about COVID-19 testing methods and their use. Learn what types of COVID-19 tests are available…

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to complete a purchase, we may earn a commission Now, more than ever, it’s really important to know the in’s-and-out’s of your travel insurance policy. Contact your policy provider to clarify whether you are covered for illness or cancellation because of COVID-19 as part of…

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have implemented restrictions on international travel to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, such as a 14-day self-isolation period on arrival, or producing a negative PCR test and travel certificate. We’ve put together a list of the COVID-19 travel restrictions by country, applicable for individuals travelling…

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many countries have restrictive measures in place, such as having to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival or produce medical certificates. Furthermore, in many countries the FCO still advises NOT to travel internationally unless ‘essential’ and further to this, holidaymakers may have to be prepared to quarantine on arrival back…

We keep hearing about the importance of testing, especially as we start to tracvel again, but can we rely on Coronavirus test results? As with all testing, nothing can determine 100% accuracy. Here we discuss why that is and how accurate Coronavirus testing is. Are Coronavirus Tests Accurate? There are varying reported levels of accuracy…